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Traffic Strategies: Directing Visitors to your Web Site

Traffic Strategies refer to the techniques used by businesses to

1.  Direct Visitors to their sites

2.  Keep Visitors on-site once they have gotten there

3.  Guarantee that Visitors return to a Site

To Direct Visitors to your Site:

  • Include your site address on all printed matter and advertising.  Let people know you have a site.  Make your site virtually inseparable from your brand or company name.

  • Link your Site address with the most important search engines and directories, such as Netscape, Yahoo, Lycos, Excite, Google, etc. Consider whether it is worthwhile to pay a search engine to list your site at or near the top of a search result list.

  • Link up with businesses that complement your own.  If you sell bathware, link up with houseware companies.  Create a one-stop shopping site where customers accessing one site are led to related sites.

  • Research the feasibility of "Affiliate" relationships.  Affiliated sites refer customers to one another's sites and receive a small percentage of any sales that result from the referral.

  • Use the growing system of Web-based Classified Advertisements.

  • Create selective e-mail campaigns addressed to customers and other target groups that might be interested in your Site.   Select recipients carefully and do not send too many messages to the same group.

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