An Introduction to the CCIR

"Romania's Business Organization"
presented in cooperation by
IBNet -"The Electronic Silk Road" ® and the
G77 Network of Chambers of Commerce


Chamber title and address

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania
22, Nicolae Balcescu Blvd., 79502, Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania
Tel: (0040-01) -06 , Fax: (0040-01) ,

Name of President

President - George COJOCARU tel:
Vicepresident - Dr. Aurel VAINER tel:

The framework of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania three professional sections of economic agents members of the Chamber, viz.Industry, Trade and Tourism, and Services.

The underlying objective aims at providing the framework to allow of a competent approach to and study of the specific problems confronting different proffesional groups of economic agents members of the Chamber, to facilitate contacts between them and to promote their interests. Proffesional sections run their activity in collaboration with the Chamber departments, in harmony with the programmes and decisions adopted by the Chamber's leadership.

Section Chairmen:

Industry - Dr. Mario DUMA tel:
Trade and Tourism - Ctin RASNOVEANU tel:
Services - Teodor DRAGAN tel:

Legal status

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania and of Bucharest Municipality is an autonomous nongovernmental public-interest organization which aims at promoting Romanian trade and industrial activities in domestic and foreign markets, as well as at assisting the domestic traders in their relations with Romanian authorities and specialised foreign institutions.

Structure of the chamber


Summary of competences

Representative and consultative organization

Name of person in charge of IBCC-Net Global Chambers Network

Dr. Cornelia Rotaru, General Manager
Business Information Center and National Trade Register Office

Executives of chamber (director, head of department, etc.)

Bucharest Chamber Department
      General Manager - Gheorghe BOBIN              tel: 
Domestic Market Department
        Manager -               Cristian ZIMNICEANU     tel: 
Foreign Relations Department
        Manager -               Liliana DEAC            tel: 
Business Information Center
        General Manager -       Dr. Cornelia ROTARU     tel: 
Euro Info Center
        Manager -               Ioan CIUPERCA           tel: 
Juridical Department
        Manager -               Constanta POP           tel: 
Press Department
        Manager -               Alexandru MARINESCU     tel: 
Publicom Department
        Manager -               Viorel SANDU            tel: 
Training Department
        Manager -               Irina DUMITRIU          tel: 
        President -             Dr. George COJOCARU     tel: 
        Manager -               Irina DUMITRIU          tel: 
Economic, Financial and Administrative Department
        General Manager -       Victor DEACONESCU       tel: 
        Deputy Manager -        Maria POSTELNICU        tel: 
Court of International Commercial Arbitration
        President -             Prof. Dr. Victor BABIUC tel: 
        Arbitral assistent -    Mihaela COZMANCIUC      tel: 
National Trade Register Office
        General Manager -       Dr. Cornelia ROTARU     tel: 
        Deputy Manager -        Sofia ANDREOIU   tel: 
Trade Register Office of Bucharest Municipality
        Manager -               Doina ALECU             tel: 

Economic and geographic data Characteristics of city / town

  1. BASIC FACTS AND FIGURES ABOUT THE COUNTRY Location: Romania is situated in the south-eastern region of Central Europe and is crossed by 45o parallel Lat.N and 25o meridian Lon.E.
    Neighbour countries: the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, Hungary, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria; in the south-east the country is bordered by the Black Sea.
    Area: 237,500 sqkm (91,500 sq miles);Romania is a middle-size country, the 12th largest nation in Europe.
    Country Capital: Bucharest
    Population: Size: 22,721,000 people (December 1994). Climate: temperate continental.
    Relief: The relief map shows three concentric forms of relief - mountains (31 per cent of the country's area) ringed by hills and plateaux (36 per cent) which are in turn ringed by plains and meadows (33 per cent).
    Time Zone: 2 hrs. ahead of GMT.
    Language: Romanian.
    Administration: 40 counties, Bucharest Municipality and agricultural sector.

  2. ECONOMIC DATA AND FIGURES Currency: leu (plural - lei)
    GDP: estimated at 48,338 billion lei in 1994; a 3.5 per cent growth over 1993. In 1994, the private sector share amounted to 35 per cent.
    Investments: 7,675.2 billion lei worth investments in 1994, which was equivalent to a 15.3 per cent increment over 1993.
    Industrial output: +3.3 per cent in 1994 as against 1993.
    Aggregate farm yields: +0.2 per cent in 1994 as against 1993.
    Average monthly inflation rate: 4.1 per cent in 1994 (12.1 per cent in 1993).
    Rate of exchange: ca. 1,950 lei/USD 1 in June 1995.
    Trade balance: exports FOB (USD mil.): +25.7 per cent; imports CIF:+9 per cent; deficit: -USD 957.7 mil.
    Foreign trade: exports: USD 6.1 bil; imports: USD 7.1 bil.
    Foreign debt: USD 4.4 bil. (1994).
    Unemployment rate: 11 per cent (February 1995).
    Average monthly net wages: 140,113 lei (1994).
    Natural resources: fertile land, large deposits of oil, natural gas and coal, forests, mineral deposits - salt, copper,limestone,siliceous sands, quartz, molybdenum, manganese, ore, graphite, mica, etc.
    Touristic resources: A wide variety of natural resources - the Black Sea littoral, the Danube Delta, mountain and hilly zones - expanded with plenty of historical monuments and sites - e.g. North Moldova and Maramures - as well as with rich resources for balneal tourism like mineral waters, salt lakes and muds, provide an important tourist potential.It's worth noting that as many as 11,300 sources of mineral water or one-third of Europe's resources of the kind are located in Romania.

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