Ghana National Chamber of Commerce
General Introduction
presented in cooperation by
G-77 Network of Chambers of Commerce
IBNet - The Electronic Silk Road ®
GNCC Main Headquarters:
65, Kojo Thompson Road, First Floor, Standard Chartered Bank Building,
Tudu Branch, P. O. Box 2325, Accra. Ghana
Tel: + 233 21 662427
Fax: + 233 21 662210
Tlx: 2687 GNCC GH
Prior to 1961, there were four separate and independent Chambers of Commerce in Ghana, namely:
The Accra & Eastern Province Chamber of Commerce;
The Kumasi Chamber of Commerce;
The Sekondi/Takoradi Chamber of Commerce; and
The Ghana Chamber of Commerce.
The first three Chambers of Commerce mentioned above were composed of expatriate firms and businesses based in the three main trading centres, while the fourth Chamber catered for the indigenous Ghanaian businesses.
The Ghana National Chamber of Commerce was established on November 8, 1961 under an Act of Parliament (Executive Instrument No. 196) following the amalgamation of the then existing Chambers of Commerce which were formed on racial basis. The Executive instrument was amended by Lesgislative Instrument No. 611 of 1968 to streamline some of the internal structures of the Chamber.
The Chamber is charged with the following functions:
Promotion and protection of trade, commerce, industry and manufactures of Ghana.
The collection and circulation of statistics relating to trade, commerce, industry and manufactures.
The provision of facilities for the communication and interchange of views between members of the Chamber on the one hand and departments of Government, public institutions and other Association on the other hand on matters directly or indirectly affecting the interests of the Chamber or any member thereof.
The printing and publication of newspapers, periodicals, books and other documents for promoting the interests of the Chamber.
The establishment and maintenance of libraries and museums for the promotion of trade, commerce, industry and manufactures of Ghana.
The promotion and participation in Trade Fairs in Ghana and elsewhere.
To develop linkages with Chambers of Commerce in other parts of the world.
The promotion of and co-operation with Associations or other organisations in Ghana discharging similar functions as the Chamber.
The grant of donations to local or national charities.
Formed originally to provide general services to members, the Chamber now actually promotes trade and gives valuable assistance in bringing together manufacturers, buyers and sellers, thus performing an essential part of the marketing function.
The governing body of the Chamber is the Central Council which is composed of the following:
- The President; )
- The First Vice President; )
- The Second Vice President; ) National Officers
- The National Treasurer; and )
- One representative selected by each District Chamber for every 40 fully paid up members or part thereof in such District.
The Council is responsible for the execution of the functions and objectives of the Chamber as set out in its Instrument of Incorporation.
However, the day to day management of the Chamber rests with the Central Executive Committee comprising:
- The President;
- The First Vice President;
- The Second Vice President;
- The National Treasurer;
- The Immediate Past President;
- The District Chairmen; and
- Other members co-opted for their specialised knowledge.
For effective functioning of the District Chambers, they are to have the following Sections (Interest Groups) with elected Chairmen and Vice Chairmen.
These are:
- General Trade Section;
- Banks and Insurance Section;
- Motor and Transport Section;
- Manufacturing Industries Section;
- Building & Civil Engineering Section;
- Professional Services Section;
- Export Section;
- Shipping & Ports Section;
- Agriculture & Fishing Industries Section;
- Travel & Tourism Section.
Each Section within the Chamber meets every month and matters discussed at their meetings which are not resolved are passed on to the District Chambers which also meet on monthly basis. All problems discussed at the District Chamber meetings which are not resolved are passed on to the Central Executive Committee meeting for further discussion and necessary action.
The Central Executive Committee can authorise memoranda or any other form of representations to Government, ministries or agencies on behalf of the Chamber or any member thereof.
Being a national organisation, the Ghana National Chamber of Commerce aims at establishing its presence in all the nooks and corners of the country. Currently, we have active District Chambers in most of the Regional Capitals and in some of the District Capitals. With the ongoing improvemrnt in the economy and therefore the business sector, we hope to open new District Chambers and revive the defunct ones.
All the officers are elected at the Annual General Meetings of the various organizations.
The Ghana National Chamber of Commerce occupies a unique position at the centre of the private sector in Ghana.
The Ghana National Chamber of Commerce has a number of District Chambers under it. They are as follows:
Accra District Chamber of Commerce
Trade Fair Centre,
P. O. Box 2325, Accra.
Tel: + 27
Kumasi District Chamber of Commerce
P. O. Box 528, Kumasi.
Tel: + 0
Sekondi/Takoradi District Chamber of Commerce
Opposite UTC Building,
P. O. Box 45, Takoradi.
Tel: + 5
Tema District Chamber of Commerce
Black Star Line Building,
P. O. Box 8413, Tema.
Tel: +
Sunyani District Chamber of Commerce
P. O. Box 70, Sunyani.
Tel: +
Tamale District Chamber of Commerce
P. O. Box 293, Tamale
Tel: + 7
Koforidua District Chamber of Commerce
P. O. Box 266, Koforidua.
Ho/Keta District Chamber of Commerce
P. O. Box 230, Keta.
Agona Swedru/Cape Coast District Chamber of Commerce
P. O. Box 34, Cape Coast.
Bolgatanga District Chamber of Commerce
P. O. Box 336, Bolgatanga.
Tel: +
The Ghana National Chamber of Commerce is a member of the following International Groupings:
Protocols of Agreement aimed at fostering close relationship between the signatories and assisting each other and member-firms have been concluded between the Chamber and the Birmingham Chamber of Industry & Commerce, the Romanian Chamber of Commerce & Industry, the former German Democratic Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Afro-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce and the former USSR Chamber of Commerce & Industry.
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